A, Lockout is a method of keeping equipment from being set in motion and endangering workers.A, A Disconnect switch, circuit breaker, valve or other energy isolation mechanism is put in the safe or off position.
B, A Safety device is placed over the energy-isolating mechanism to hold it in the safe position. This is where Godrej Safety Lockout products are essential.
C, A Padlock is attached so that the equipment cannot be energized.
In a Tagout, the energy-isolation device is placed in the safe position and a written is attached to it. All lockout and tagout materials are supplied by the employer. Each device must be:
-, Durable to withstand wear.
-, Substantial, so it will not come off easily.
-, Capable of identifying the person who applied it.
-, Many Companies issue each worker authorized to apply Lockout / Tagout with their own personal padlock imprinted with his / her name.